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Smart books currently supports all math topics up to grade 12.

Yes! Smart books works perfectly on both mobile and desktops which includes Android devices. All devices capable of installing WPS office works perfectly with smart books.

There are no complex requirements to use a smart book. users only have to install WPS on their devices to run the smart book app file(s).

It takes between 2-5 working days for a student smart book(s) to be ready. this is because we add specific user customizations and preference to give every learner an unparalleled and personalized learning experience.

The school/educator variants may take a bit longer. This is because we offer an unbeatable custom development for schools to take pride in owning digital learning solutions that reflects their preferred learning standards, curriculum(s) and questions with full customization option.

Smart books are masterpiece of over half a decade of innovative research and cutting edge design process. Curriculum relevant content, Intuitive and minimal UI, Intelligent problem solving methodology, They are breakthrough in intelligent spreadsheet app, which refers to apps that uses spreadsheet as their run time environment. our choice of spreadsheet app aligns with our mission of providing readily accessible learning solutions, providing users reliable offline access on all smart device types.

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